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System Design Specification

1. Introduction

1.0 Purpose

This software design specification is made with the purpose of outlining the software architecture and design of the MU Student Registration System in detail. This document facilitates communication and understanding of the system by providing several views of the system design

1.1 Scope

The Software design document demonstrate how the design will accomplish the functional and non- functional requirements captured in the Software Requirement specification (SRS). The document provide a framework to the programmers through describing the high level components and architecture, sub systems, interfaces, database design and algorithm design. This is achieved through the use of architectural patterns, design patterns, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, relational models and user interfaces.

1.2 Intended audience

This document is mainly for the developers and the technical staff of Mzumbe university.

1.3 Definitions and Acronyms

Term Description
SRS Software Requirements Specification.
Database A collection of stored related data.
ER diagram Entity Relationship Diagram; Data model for describing a database in an abstract way.
Flow Chart A diagram that represents a workflow or process.
Algorithm design Specific method to create a mathematical process in solving problems.
Sequence Diagram A diagram that depicts interaction between objects in a sequential order.
Class Diagram A diagram that describes the attributes and operations of a class and the constraint imposed on the system.
SDS Software Requirements Specification.

1.4 References

  • System Requirements Specifications (SRS)
  • Internet

2. System Architecture

2.1 Architectural Design

2.1.1 High Level Components User management and Authentication component

This component is responsible with users authentication.It also handles users management activities such as adding new user accounts, deleting accounts from the system etc. Furthermore this component Implements user Control access privileges matrix. Student component

This is the key component of the Student Registration Module. This is where the student type(New or Continuing Student) is identified and directed to other required registration processes. Payment Component

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2.1.2 Interfaces

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2.2 Architectural Patterns

This System will be built using two main architectural patterns:Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and Three Tier Client/Server Architecture.

2.2.1 The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that separates an application into three main logical components Model, View, and Controller. Hence the abbreviation MVC.

  • The Model component -Manages the system data and associated operations on that data.
  • The View component- Defines and manages how the data is presented to the user.
  • The Controller component- Manages user interaction and passes these interactions to the View and the Model.
2.2.2 Three-Tier Client Server Architecture

In Client-Server architecture,functionalities of the system are organized into services, with each service delivered from separate server. Clients are users of these services and access servers to make use of them. We will use this Three- Tier Client Server Architecture because, when data in a shared database has to be accessed from a range of locations. Because servers can be replicated, may also be used when the load on a system is a variable. The Client Tire

The Client Tire is the applications user interface connecting data entry forms and Client side applications. It displays data to the user. User interact directly with the application through user interface. The Client Tier interacts with the web application server to make requests and to retrieve data from the database. It then displays to user the data retrieved from the server. The Middle Tire

The Middle Tier implements the business logic , controller logic and presentation logic to control the interaction between the applications’ clients and data. The Data Tire

This Tire maintains the applications data such as Users’ data , students's data , programmes’ data , payment data data and the SQL queries . It stores these data in a Relational Database Management System. All the connections with the Relational Database Management System are managed in this tier.

Basic Concepts


Project is a top-level element stored as a single file (.mdj). Modeling a software system requires describing multiple models because it is not enough to describe the system with a single perspective, so we typically make multiple models such as Use-Case Model, Design Model, Component Model, Deployment Model, or others in a Project. Typically Project is organized as a set of UMLModels, UMLPackages, or UMLSubsystems. If you want to know more about UML Elements, please refer to OMG UML Specification.